We’re a business group that unites people with an entrepreneurial posture and aims to contribute to building a conscious capitalism through the fair distribution of autonomy, responsibility and capital

We believe a profound transformation of human consciousness is underway and is already impacting business. Every day a business leader wakes up and realizes that life can be more about giving than taking, and when they decide to act and serve, the world conspires in their favor.
Grupo Anga is a platform for these people.
We believe that our first responsibility is with Brazil. Here are our roots. When we see families struggling to survive and a land crying out for help, we feel the call to act towards transforming our economy and our society.
Grupo Anga serves our country.
We believe that transformation happens through business. By creating value for all, collective prosperity and environmental regeneration manage to thrive. We know that it is possible for a business to be profitable and, at the same time, to generate a positive socio-environmental impact. To accomplish this, we’ve been engaged in sharing autonomy and distributing capital fairly in our companies since our foundation.
Grupo Anga invests in business as well as develops businesses oriented towards positive socio-environmental impact.
We believe in the constant evolution of management. The increasingly available technologies combined with the constant expansion of human consciousness motivate us to seek new forms of organization, work and decision making. It is through AngaOS, our self-management system, that we create structures that allow us to work from anywhere whilst sharing autonomy and responsibility to deliver our best.
Grupo Anga is self-managed.
Our principles
everybody can lead
We have autonomy and responsibility within the roles we assume and we can influence and change decisions that affect us based on arguments, facts and data.

We allow information and knowledge to flow
All information is available to everyone at all times. We ensure that all relevant information is up-to-date and accessible, and we support its interpretation and use whenever necessary. We exchange knowledge and value our collective intelligence. Accessible and transparent information and knowledge allow for more conscious and assertive decision-making.
We welcome our humanity
With self-management and the automation of many processes, there is energy left so that we can increasingly practice our humanity at work.
To accomplish this, we combine listening skills with empathy in order to understand that, beyond valorizing individual socio-emotional skills, it's in the difficult conversations that we manage to see our lights and shadows and reveal our greatest opportunities for collective growth.

Tensions energize our action
Every voice matters to us. We create spaces of trust and vulnerability for people to share the reality they observe and process tensions in a transparent, efficient and collaborative way to create the best possible outcomes.
We work with what’s sufficiently good for now and safe enough to test
Our decisions are made by consent, so if those affected by a decision don't have any objections, we implement ideas that are sufficiently good and safe enough for now. This allows us to deliberately look out for reasons not to do something, which promotes support and accountability when deciding to act with agility and consistency.

We live in end-to-end interdependence
We believe in a systemic approach in which we can always generate value in a shared way for all stakeholders. This happens from the way we make consent based decisions internally to the support we offer to movements and ecosystems much larger than the group itself. We know from experience that when we serve first, we enjoy the abundance that comes from being able to act beyond our primary interests.
We support and
integrate polarities
We believe in our ability to live with different paradoxes: intuition and reason, individual and collective, technology and humanity, profit and care. From this point of view, we work as a bridge that connects the most evolved paradigms with places that most yearn for evolution. Instead of being judgemental, we understand that it is in the diversity of ideas that the greatest innovations are born.

We seek the most efficient and intelligent way to carry out our work
We know that the scale we pursue depends a lot on the intelligence we employ in order to do more with less whilst looking out for our mental and organizational health. Therefore, we are constantly seeking to learn, whether through study or our everyday practice.

We invest and allocate our resources diligently and responsibly
We know that it is not always possible to get it right and that every investment has risks, but we seek to allocate our resources intelligently and carefully, ensuring the long term maintenance of the organization. Through our responsibility, we seek to build long lasting assets.

We practice compassion with each other and pursue great results
We welcome and respect each other, knowing that we are all here to learn and evolve together. At the same time, we take on big challenges and always pursue to deliver the best we can. In this way, we know that demanding the best of ourselves is an act of love and that it leads us towards our own growth.

Remote Work

Since 2016 we have been around the world, pioneering remote work here in Brazil .
For us, the work we do is different from just a job. Work is the way that each one of us finds to feel useful in the world. It’s a place to feel we belong to a group and are able to bring our ideas to life. For us, our work is not just a place or a time: it is a state in which we’re open to letting our purpose and energy flow, making positive changes to our reality.
We work autonomously because we trust each other. We practice self-management because we respect what each person knows best for his or herself. That's why, for us, whether in São Paulo, New York or Lisbon, at 8 am or 7 pm, on Monday or Thursday, work can happen anywhere, anytime. Our agreements made will define our routine and how we’ll collaborate together to transform intention into action. And so, we’ll be able to build an organization where everyone contributes with their best version every day.